Friends of Dyke Marsh is a volunteer group dedicated to preserving, restoring and enhancing Dyke Marsh, a freshwater tidal marsh in Fairfax County on the Potomac River just south of Alexandria, Virginia. The Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve is administered by the National Park Service.

What Is Dyke Marsh?

The Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve is a freshwater, tidal marsh on the Virginia side of the Potomac River in Fairfax County. It is a unit of the George Washington Memorial Parkway, U.S. National Park Service. For more information, visit the NPS website at

Tantalizing Turtles Tutorial

Turtles are slow, unseen by people most of the year and often trivialized in cartoons, but โ€œturtles provoke a sense of wonder and amazement,โ€ said Dr. Matt Close who gave a Zoom presentation to 67 enthusiasts on May 15, 2024.

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FODMer Presented Breeding Bird Survey Results

On April 4, 2024, FODM principal investigator Larry Cartwright shared FODM volunteersโ€™ 30 years of observations of breeding bird activity in the Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve at the National Park Serviceโ€™s 2024 Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region.

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FODM-Funded Study Identified New Beetle Species

The late Dr. Edmund O. Wilson wrote that โ€œthe diversity of life forms, so numerous that we have yet to identify most of them, is the greatest wonder of this planet.โ€

A 2023 FODM-funded study of three beetle families of George Washington Memorial Parkway (GWMP) properties is a testament to the pursuit of that wonder.

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Raptors Enthrall All

Over 400 people were captivated by beautiful raptors on November 4, 2023, when the Friends of Dyke Marsh and the National Park Service hosted Secret Gardens Birds and Bees at Fort Hunt Parkโ€™s Pavilion A.

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Fall Leaves Brighten Dyke Marsh

Dyke Marsh was aflame in color on October 23, 2023, for the annual fall colors walk sponsored by the Friends of Dyke Marsh and the Potowmack Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society (VNPS).

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