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FODMer Presented Breeding Bird Survey Results

On April 4, 2024, FODM principal investigator Larry Cartwright shared FODM volunteers’ 30 years of observations of breeding bird activity in the Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve at the National Park Service’s 2024 Spotlight on National Park Resources in the National Capital Region.

Larry presented a poster titled "Trends among Migrant Birds in the Dyke Marsh Breeding Bird Survey in a Thirty-Year Period (1993-2023).”

The event was at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Conservation Training Center in Shepherdstown, West Virginia. Participants learned through presentations and posters about recent science, stewardship and research on national capital area parks’ natural and cultural resources. These presentations were intended to highlight and encourage more protection of national park resources.  

FODM extends our deep gratitude to Larry and his team for their many years dedicated to documenting breeding birds in the preserve and we thank the NPS George Washington Parkway staff for inviting Larry to make this presentation.

Click here to view Larry's poster.

Click here to view Larry's slide presentation.



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