Many Birds Stand Out in Winter
Winter brings several species of migratory waterfowl to the Potomac River and Dyke Marsh and many birds stand out as they perch on leafless tree limbs, search for prey and forage on the ground. Still some, like barred owls (Strix varia) are expert at camouflaging.
Volunteers Tackle Never-Ending Invasive Plants
For at least 15 years, the Friends of Dyke Marsh have worked to control many species of invasive plants in the preserve. Invasive plants displace native plants and replace wildlife food sources with which native wildlife co-evolved.
Getting the Real Story on Bats
On October 26, 2022, bat educator Deborah Hammer gave an online presentation on bats, dispensing bat facts and dispelling bat folklore. Deborah is a board member of both FODM and Bat Conservation and Rescue of Virginia.
Fall Colors Bring Cheer
Though the October 24, 2022, sky was overcast, fall’s colors cheered 22 enthusiasts on a walk led by Margaret Chatham and Alan Ford with the Potowmack Chapter of the Virginia Native Plant Society.
Fall Plants Intrigue FODMers
Twenty FODMers delighted in studying the plants of the preserve on a walk led by Dr. Elizabeth Wells on September 17, 2022. Many plants were dropping or ready to drop their seeds to start the next generation.
Butterflies and Dragonflies Abound
On July 20, 2022, 20 butterfly enthusiasts spotted 15 species of butterflies, on a walk in Dyke Marsh, led by Larry Meade.
Talented FODM Photographers Are Winners
Congratulations to two FODMers whose photographs were selected for the 2022 Virginia Wildlife magazine’s annual photography showcase.
Historic Imagery Viewer Shows Changes over Time
Fairfax County has an imagery viewer that can help people understand the extent of the wetland in the past and provide context for marsh restoration.
An FODM Ecology Walk
On June 25, 2022, ecologist Charles Smith led a walk for 20 members of the Friends of Dyke Marsh along the Dyke Marsh Haul Road trail. He explained that Dyke Marsh is in the coastal plain, a geologic region with gravel deposits, unlike the Piedmont which has many rock formations. Dyke Marsh, a freshwater tidal wetland, has two three-foot tides a day, on average.
FODM Recognizes Volunteers
On June 19, 2022, the Friends of Dyke Marsh held an event to express appreciation to the organization's many dedicated volunteers. Here is an article about the event from the June 23, 2022 Mount Vernon Gazette/Connection newspaper. By Glenda C. Booth
Celebrating Juneteenth 2022
On June 18, 2022, the Friends of Dyke Marsh again participated in the annual Gum Springs Community Day and celebrated Juneteenth with our friends.
Awed by Owls
Many people have been captivated by owls in Dyke Marsh this spring. Several people have confirmed a barred owl (Strix varia) pair raising two young and a great horned owl pair (Bubo virginianus) with one young. It’s parenting at its best.