Blue Star Families Explored Dyke Marsh

On November 9, 2025, the Friends of Dyke Marsh and the National Park Services' George Washington Memorial Parkway staff welcomed 50 area members of the military’s Blue Star Families to Dyke Marsh.

The Blue Star Families organization was founded in 2009 by military spouses to help connect military families with their neighbors and “to create vibrant communities of mutual support.” They also seek to help military families address “the isolation and alienation of frequent moves, deployments and reduced support from the government,” says their website. Blue Star Connect Outdoors encourages environmental stewardship, “to preserve and protect the natural world,” among other goals.

The youngsters loved feeling the animal pelts and had many questions for Jonathan Molineaux.
All photos by Glenda Booth
The GW Memorial Parkway provided binoculars for aspiring bird watchers.
Forester Jim McGlone led a tree walk.
GWMP’s Jonathan Molineaux offered materials about the parkway’s natural resources.
Family members wore Blue Star shirts.
(left to right) Carolyn Gamble and Clarence Monteiro from the Friends of Dyke Marsh helped with the event. Michelle Black was the Blue Star Families organizer.


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