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FODM Reaches Out

In April 2022, the Friends of Dyke Marsh reached out to the larger community when we participated in two community events and offered materials and information about FODM and Dyke Marsh.

On April 16, we had a table at the 50th anniversary of the Mount Vernon Trail along with other groups, at the invitation of the Friends of the Mount Vernon Trail.

Jim and Sandy Dunn staff table 4 16 2022   NPS tents and tables 4 16 2022
Jim and Sandy Dunn staffed the FODM table on April 16.
Photo by Glenda Booth
  The National Park Service, a cosponsor, provided tents and tables.
Cuvelier and Booth 4 16 2022
George Washington Memorial Parkway Superintendent
Charles Cuvelier and FODM President Glenda Booth.  


On April 23, we tabled at Mount Vernon Supervisor Dan Storck’s fourth Environmental Expo with 35 other organizations.  Supervisor Storck estimates that around 500 people attended. Many youngsters made colorful birds at FODM’s Expo table.

grewelle booth gamble 4 23 2022

  josue Lopez pelts 4 23 2022
Larry Grewelle, Glenda Booth, Carolyn Gamble and not pictured, David Barbour and Deborah Hammer staffed FODM’s table at the Expo.    Photo by Deborah Hammer   Josue Lopez, age 10, enjoyed feeling animal pelts at the NPS table. Photo by Glenda Booth
VA Dpt Env Qual runoff demo 4 16 2022
Virginia Department of Environmental Quality staff showed youngsters how runoff from the land enters and pollutes waterways.       Photo by Glenda Booth


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