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FODMers Shine in Photography Showcase

Virginia Wildlife magazine chose the photographs of two talented members of the Friends of Dyke Marsh for the magazine’s annual Photography Showcase, published in the July-August 2021 issue:  Barbara Saffir and Jane Gamble.  Congratulations!

 Judges received 1,259 entries from 286 photographers. The magazine chose entries from 96 photographers.

We look forward to the 2022 winners. Submissions are due by February 7, 2022.

Here we share these six award-winning photographs:

From Barbara Saffir

Green tree frog and katydid VIRGINIA FAUNA CATEGORY. A green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) shares its perch with a handsome meadow katydid (Orchelimum pulchellum)and a western honey bee.(Apis mellifera) [SHOT AT NEABSCO BOARDWALK, WOODBRIDGE, VA.) Prothonotary warblerWHAT’S YOUR WILD CATEGORY. Prothonotary warblers (Protonotaria citrea) exchange nest box duties.[SHOT AT OCCOQUAN BAY NWR, WOODBRIDGE, VA.)


Indigo buntingVIRGINIA FAUNA CATEGORY. An indigo bunting (Passerina cyanea) flits between thistle flowers at Sky Meadows State Park.[DELAPLANE, VA.] Tree fungusTEXTURES AND PATTERNS CATEGORY. Turkey Tail fungus. (Trametes versicolor) [SHOT AT CARDEROCK REC AREA, C&O CANAL, POTOMAC, MD.)

From Jane Gamble

Rough greensnakeVIRGINIA FAUNA CATEGORY. A Rough Green Snake (Opheodrys aestivus) going eye to eye at Huntley Meadows Park. [FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA] Green heronVIRGINIA FAUNA CATEGORY. A Green Heron (Butorides virescens) stalks its prey at Huntley Meadows Park. [FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA]
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