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Chronolog, Documenting Change in Dyke Marsh

Big gut View from the chronolog site on the boardwalk across from Tulane Dr.

Visitors to Dyke Marsh will find a photography station called Chronolog on the Haul Road trail at the native plant site, DMW-101. Unfortunately, our second station  on the boardwalk across from Tulane Drive, DMW-102, was destroyed twice. Neither FODM or the U. S. Park Police know why it was apparently vandalized. At this time, FODM will not replace it at that site

This station helps document and better visualize landscape changes over time in the preserve. Changes in a landscape can be slow to see, whether they are seasonal changes, results of the restoration project or longer-term changes.

The station has a sign and a three-sided bracket mounted atop the post where people can put a smartphone.  Align your cellphone in the bracket and snap a photo of the landscape.  Then e-mail your photo to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the station location as the subject line ( DMW-101).

Chronolog software will automatically align and crop your photo and stitch it into the time lapse movie of the location. They will send you a reply, thank you and a link to the time lapse.   Neither the Friends of Dyke Marsh or the National Park Service will collect or ever see your e-mail. We hope you will participate often and document what is happening in the natural world in Dyke Marsh.

You can see posted photos at Chronolog stations around the country and filter by project to find Dyke Marsh photos at https://www.chronolog.io/.


Photos by Jim Gearing

Chronolog station Chronolog station Native plant site
Chronolog station Chronolog station
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