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Good News on the Treated Pumpkin Ash Trees

ash inspection FODMers Ned Stone and Robert Smith and NPSer Brent Steury evaluated the condition of the trees on September 25, 2017. Photo by Ed Eder

Since 2015, working with the National Park Service, FODM has been trying to save some of the pumpkin ash trees (Fraxinus profunda) of the marsh that are being attacked by the invasive, lethal insect, the emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) (See our longer article in “Marsh Life”). 

We have treated sixteen trees and in September, 2017, all of the treated trees leafed out and all six of the female trees have produced plenty of seeds.  Most of the other ash trees near the treatment site are dead.  The next treatment for these 16 trees will be in 2019. FODM appreciates a very generous donor who supports this work.

ash seedsThe treated female trees had clusters of seeds. Photo by Glenda Booth

Jessica and RobertFODMers Jessica Strother and Robert Smith discussed the trees’ health. Photo by Glenda Booth

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