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Raptors Enrapture Once Again

Red-tailed hawk

Despite gray skies and a steady drizzle, around 200 raptor fans -- young, old and in between -- enjoyed FODM’s annual Raptor Rapture on April 22, 2017, in Belle Haven Park.  Liz and Tim Dennison from Secret Gardens, Birds and Bees brought a red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis), a barred owl (Strix varia) and a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus), all “rescue birds.”

Red-tailed hawkThey were injured and cannot survive on their own.  Most were hit by vehicles and damaged eyes are a common injury, said Ms. Dennison.  FODM thanks the Dennisons and National Park Service staff, Miguel Robinson and Maireya Pasa for participating.

In these photos (by Glenda Booth), Liz  Dennison shared a red-tailed hawk, a raptor with a distinctive cinnamon-red tail.

FODMer Bob Veltkamp designed a poster describing the major characteristics of raptors. Thanks to former FODM president Ed Eder and NewsRead.in for the beautiful photographs used in the poster (photo below right).

Great horned owlMs. Dennison explained that the great horned owl gets its name from its feathery ear tufts that look like horns. Photo by M. Poole

Barred owlRaptors have hooked beaks, like this one of the barred owl. Photo by M. Poole

Youngsters coloringYoungsters enjoyed coloring and “flying” paper birds at the FODM and NPS tables. Photo by Glenda Booth

Raptor posterRaptor poster designed by FODMer Bob Veltkamp.

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