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FODMers Survey Virginia's Breeding Birds

plover eggs

Several FODMers are helping with Virginia’s second Breeding Bird Atlas, a survey of all bird species breeding in the state.  Headed by Dr. Ashley Peele, a Virginia Tech avian ecologist, the project is featured in a March/April 2017 Virginia Wildlife magazine article by FODM President Glenda Booth and titled “On the Hunt for Virginia’s Breeding Birds.”  You can read it online here

In the lead photograph, FODMers Larry Cartwright and Laura Sebastianelli are surveying birds in Dyke Marsh West. Learn more about the survey at Virginia Breeding Bird Atlas.

In the photo,  piping plover eggs in the nest on Virginia’s barrier islands. (These birds do not nest along the Potomac River or in the Dyke Marsh Wildlife Preserve.) Credit: Glenda Booth

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