
How to become a Member of FODM

You can join, renew and donate online or by U.S. Postal Service mail.

Membership in the Friends of Dyke Marsh is $20 a year per household or $250 for an individual life membership. You can sign up or renew for one or more years. We will send members reminders to renew as their membership expiration date approaches. We will send the notices via email or postcard.

We welcome your contributions of any amount to help us preserve and restore Dyke Marsh. Thank you.

Membership and Donations Online:

Just click on the orange "Join/Renew/Donate" button in the right column to join or make a non-membership donatation.  Members who wish to renew or make an extra donation must log in first. If you do not remember your login username or password, send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will send you login and payment instructions.

Membership and Donations by Mail:

Please send us your membership dues along with your name, address, phone number and email address. Please indicate the amount of your donation that is for dues and the amount for any additional contribution. We will send our quarterly newsletter, The Marsh Wren, to members by email in  *.pdf  format for people for whom we have an email address. For those who do not provide an email address, we will send you a paper copy by the U.S. Postal Service mail.

Dr. Barrows nature walkDr. Edd Barrows leads a group of students in study along Haul Road. Photo by Robert Smith.

 Friends of Dyke Marsh
P.O. Box 7183
Alexandria, VA 22307-7183

$20.00 / Household - Per Year
$250 Individual Lifetime Membership
Tax Deductible


A financial statement is available upon written request from the Virginia Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs.

